Wednesday 13 April 2011

Last night in England

I am writing today as I won't have a lot of time tomorrow and wanted to post an entry before we leave the UK. 

I have spent the whole day cleaning/sorting and am absolutely shattered. Its now 29 hours, give or take, until we fly and everything is really sinking in. I am actually packing up my life here and moving to the Middle East...can't quite believe it! If it wasn't for the fact that I have been living out of a suitcase for the past month I would think it were just a dream. Despite knowing that I am going to miss my family, friends and the familiarity of home, I am so excited to be experiencing a new way of life and building an exciting future with Oli. The prospect of endless warmth and sunshine helps a little too!

Our flight leaves at 22:35 tomorrow and arrives in Muscat at 9:00 (6:00 GMT) on Friday. Knowing me, I am not expecting to sleep much on the plane and so it is likely I will sleep for most of Friday. (Friday, by the way, is the equivalent of our Sunday.) I will write at the end of the week to fill you in on the very first part of my new life abroad.



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