Friday 13 May 2011

Heating up

How annoying...I spent ages the other day redesigning my blog and writing another entry only to go back onto blogger today and find its all vanished!! Stupid computers. Anyway I shall attempt at remembering what I wrote.

Temperatures are really starting to heat up here, the car has been registering 46C! The locals have been saying how its a lot hotter for this time of year than usual, even for Oman, but I don't expect it'll ever go much above 49/50 degrees (thank goodness!). Its really funny living somewhere where its constantly hot and even going for walks late in the evening is a challenge, quite like walking in a sauna. Occasionally there's a nice breeze but even the wind is hot! The ocean water is lovely and warm and it feels like your'e swimming in a warm (though rather salty) bath. The sun has heated all the water pipes, a little annoying as things like brushing your teeth become a little unpleasant! Also the cars have slightly different tires so they don't skid on the warm roads and forgetting to put the sun screen up in the car window is a mistake not to be made! I can quite imagine how visiting England will be a refreshing break (though I'm not quite sick of the endless sunshine just yet :-p).

You would have thought that with the rising temperatures insects and bugs would be far and few between here by now. However, as my legs found out the other evening, mosquitoes are still annoyingly abundant! Also cockroaches like to find their way into the bathroom in the middle of the night (not a pleasant sight when you wake at 3am...). Apparently all the drains get sprayed with something to kill off all the bugs soon, yay! I haven't seen any spiders (yet) though Oli had to remove one from the bathroom the other evening...there was no way I was going in there until it had gone! There are also a few funny looking wasps and ants are a little irritating but generally insects are not too different to England.



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