Sunday 4 March 2012


I never thought I would come across a scorpion whilst living here but I have! and I can definitely add them to my list of hated bugs. I have seen 2 (although it may have been the same one) in the house in the last 2 days, thankfully they are not huge or life threatening! Living close to mountains is not good idea if you don't like bugs and I eagerly await a move to the more concreted up areas of Muscat. The scorpion I saw was a couple of inches long and cream/yellow/red-brown colour and has left me walking around the house on tip-toes, obsessively checking shoes and clothing just in case one has crawled up and made home in my stuff. erg. As far as I am aware scorpions are mostly found in the mountainous or sandy desert areas of Oman. I have heard of a man who eats scorpions (each to their own!) and apparently scorpion bites aren't as rare as I thought. I did consider uploading a photo of one onto here but, as would be the same with spiders, I would probably get put off looking at my own blog so decided against it!



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