Friday 17 June 2011

Driving in Oman

Driving here is a crazy, stressful experience that provides entertainment if nothing else. Luckily for me I haven't had to drive yet (yet being the optimum word as my time will come I am sure) and have only had the pleasure of experiencing Omani driving as a passenger...worse than being the driver in some ways! Obviously they drive on the right hand side of the road and everyone (almost) drives an automatic. The issue is that there seems to be an apparent lack of awareness or commonsense when it comes to maneuvering the vehicles between cars and lanes. Its not that the drivers can't control the vehicles, its everything else that is so dodgy! Theory tests here don't exist. They drive at ridiculously high speeds (or far too slow), don't use indicators and some even sit in the car as though they are on a sofa at home, with one leg tucked up under the other and one hand constantly on their mobile phones...its insane. If I didn't find it all entertaining I would be scared to sit in a car at times! I am definitely going to get myself a big 4x4 when I can!!



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