Tuesday 26 July 2011

As Sifah Beach

The drive to As Sifah beach takes you around 90km south of Muscat past the rugged terrain and small villages that are typical of this part of the world. The first half of our jouney was easy enough, with a decent road system taking us to a place called Yiti. Following Yiti however the roads become less easy to negotiate and a 4x4 is a must - as a relative novice to off-road driving I was slightly nervous at some points! You really feel like you are experiencing the real Oman when you venture out of Muscat and passing through small villages along the way adds to the feeling of authenticity. The villages are as you would imagine: small houses and lots of goats.

A smooth part of road on the way to As Sifah.

Passing through a village. 

The views of the mountains are really spectacular, despite the arid-ness of the surroundings. On arrival at As Sifah beach the soft sands really captured my attention, they are so uninterrupted compared to those within Muscat. Unfortunately some rather selfish people had parked cars in such a way that they blocked off entry to the most expansive stretch of beach, however we still nabbed ourselves a stunning spot and were able to enjoy the setting just as much. 



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